Frequently Asked Questions
How frequently does PAGA post prayers?

PAGA prayers are posted 3-4 times per month.  However, prayers may be posted more often depending on need. For example, as “manufactured crises” arise, readers submit concerns, or during election seasons, etc., prayers will be posted more frequently.

See PAGA’s Resources/Start Here page for more info.

Why are comments turned off on prayers and posts?

Leftists despise (read “are envious of”) Christian conviction and the fact that we have the ability to think freely and with discernment. Therefore, sites such as these regularly experience cyber-attacks from leftists. One method used for this nefarious activity is an attempt to “overwhelm the system” using bots and/or extremely bored people. Comments have the potential to do this.  Yes, as usual, the Democrats/Socialists/Communists are like a cancer that attacks the body and affects all functioning organs in one way or another.

However, PAGA wants, and urges, your comments!  You can find PAGA on Truth Social, GETTR, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Please comment on any or all posts and prayers as often as you want. You may even see your comments in a future prayer or post.

What if I have a prayer concern for our country? How can I submit a prayer to PAGA?

Please submit prayers and/or post prayer concerns to one (or all) of PAGA’s social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram (a link for each is at the bottom of this page). Tag it #PAGARequest.

How do I share God's answers and responses to PAGA prayers?

As you see, hear, or observe God’s answers and responses to PAGA prayers, please post them to PAGA’s social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram (a link for each is at the bottom of this page). Tag it #PAGAPraise. These will be updated to the original prayer post periodically.

Our Eternal God is not on a clock or calendar. Something we pray for today may be answered incrementally or answered with a future promise, answered immediately or 2 years from now, etc. Use your best judgment in reporting these.

Each one of us is around different people, in different situations, different circumstances, different jobs, different parts of the U.S., etc. Though our personal experiences are diverse, we all see/hear/observe the One True and Amazing God at work. Please share your observations of God at work. All are significant.

#PAGAPraise is one of the most encouraging and powerful components of PAGA.

Is there a way to keep track of the prayers I have prayed?

Yes, you may choose multiple ways to track your PAGA prayers.

  • Keep a journal.
  • If using one of PAGA’s social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram, do one, or all, of the following:
    • click “Like” to indicate you have prayed that prayer
    • post your prayer
    • tag a prayer #PAGAPrayed
  • Alternatively, each post has a 5-star rating (technically used to display “popular” and “trending” posts). Just click the star rating (preferably 5 😊). As long as you are using the same device (or logged in to the same browser account, etc.) your star rating will be remembered.
Does PAGA have a mobile app?

Not yet. We are praying for resources and reviewing vendors who will maintain and submit iOS and Android apps. God willing a mobile app becomes available, PAGA will notify subscribers.

In the meantime:

  • Add a Website Icon shortcut to your mobile device. Follow these instructions for iOS or Android
  • www.PrayAmericaGreatAgain.com can be accessed through a browser or social media; the website will resize to accommodate the device being used.

Can We Pray America Great Again?

Obviously, Pray America Great Again is a play on President Donald Trump's famous campaign slogan Make America Great Again. Though the Trump administration has made tremendous strides in Making America Great Again, all the "winning," has brought to light America's deep corruption, decadence, immorality, and sinister ideologies rotting our great institutions. German theologian Helmut Thielicke preached the following words on "Vicarious Intercession" to a bewildered German congregation sometime during the years of 1942-1945. These words reminded the audience that amid the ravages and poverty wrought upon Germany by a socialist dictator and equally evil ruling class, there is a God in heaven who would hear the prayers of His children, few or many, made on behalf of the nation and its millions. Thielicke's timeless and hope-filled words ultimately ignited the fire that burns in the bones of the Pray America Great Again #PAGA Movement.

Vicarious Intercession

...The important thing for our people, and for the whole restless and inattentive world, is not the content of this [intercessory prayer]. It is the simple fact that such intercession is made within it. What matters is the sheer existence of those who pray. It is not without significance for a people that there should be in it a little band of those who bear up the whole nation vicariously in their prayers. It is not without significance for a people that in it baptism should be given, prayer offered and the Lord’s Supper administered, even though the majority neither hear or understand.

Scripture itself gives us not a few concealed hints at the vicarious existence of those who pray, at the presence of this little company. One such hint is to be seen negatively in the absence of the ten righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:16ff), who, if they had been present, would have been able to change the destiny of this world in microcosm. These disturbing ten might not have had opportunity to preach in the overpowering flood of ungodliness. They might not have been able to change the destiny of their world by their message. But they would have been present before God; and because of the intercession of Abraham this would have been enough—vicarious representation. -Helmut Thielicke, “Vicarious Intercession” in The Silence Of God

Join us to Pray America Great Again!

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“Everywhere I go I find that people… both leaders and individuals… are asking one basic question, ‘Is there any hope for the future?’ My answer is the same, ‘Yes, through Jesus Christ.'” – Billy Graham

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