Russell Brand Prays For Unity In America In Tucker Carlson Interview, September 4, 2024

Is anything more humbling, and paradoxically uplifting, than the testimony of a very public non-believer who has become a believer in Christ? Tucker Carlson—who frequently mentions reading the Bible all the way through for the first time in the months following his April 2023 departure from Fox News—almost always brings up the subject of Christianity with the various people he interviews. And Russell Brand was no exception.  Though he has interviewed Brand several times, the Sworn Enemy Tour edition was especially enjoyable.

Russell Brand discusses his addictions, his baptism, the decline of Christianity in England, his young infant son undergoing surgery, the usual politics of both America and the UK, and so much more. His wit, charm, honesty, and immense vocabulary make the Phoenix stop of Tucker’s Sworn Enemy Tour truly enjoyable

Watch all of it here: Tucker Carlson Sworn Enemy Tour September 4, Phoenix, Arizona, where Brand also discusses his baptism, Big Pharma, and the globalists’ attempt to become God.

Where Are We In A Year?

At the end of the live audience interview, Carlson said, I have one more question, “Where are we in a year?”

The former MTV V-J began with a discourse on the proven “commercial ingenuity” and “wisdom of ordinary people” in resoluteness, innovation, and coming together to revolutionize the future. He suggests the idea of using technology to govern ourselves more at the local level—amidst “a radical decentralization of government.” This led to a discussion of populism and how the term has been perjured by the ruling class and their propaganda arm the mainstream media, in a word, the globalists. How they have tried to turn the term “populism” into a dirty word. He wrapped up by saying:

Populism simply means, as far as I can tell, it means listening to people and forming government on the basis of consensus, from the bottom up and not from the top down.

So there is a possibility… …that something extraordinary could happen in America. And America is the one country where, really, all happened. New alliances that absolutely defy their, i.e. globalists, language of condemnation. We must be radically open-hearted, radically loving, radically forgiving.

For Who was the most radical being that we have ever known?

Who loved more than anyone else?

Who forgave more than anyone else?

Who gave themselves that we might live?

I cannot think, I can’t see in secularism any solution. I can’t see in politics anything other than the green shoots of possible change and the alliances we have touched upon.

But in our Lord and Savior, I can see the hope and redemption that was promised us.

And that will be my part.

Green Shoots

From Collins Dictionary online:

green shoots in British English, plural noun – early indications of a recovery or revival

Tucker Asks Russell Brand To Pray

Tucker: “I’ve never asked this before, we’ve never talked about this, I mean this in the most open possible way. Not everyone is going to share your beliefs or my beliefs. But would you close in prayer?”

To which Brand immediately replied in the most casual Essex accent ever heard: “Ah yeah, Alright!”

Then he got down on his knees and prayed.


I call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Savior.

Lord, I humbly—in this great congregation in Phoenix, AZ, with my host Tucker Carlson, in deference to him, but in ultimate deference to You, Our Lord and Savior to Whom we are all Your younger siblings and Your children—I pray in Your Name that the forthcoming election be an opportunity for unity for America and for Americans, for forgiveness and for grace.

Let the dark and demonic forces that appear to operate at the level of the state, the deep state, and the corporate and global world, experience your light Lord; that we are guided, that you guide all of our tongues and all of our words and all of our hearts, that we feel your forgiveness and that we feel your grace.

Thank you, Lord for the many gifts you have bestowed upon us.

Thank you for glory of consciousness itself in which we can experience You and live You.

Thank You for the beauty of nature in which we see Your wisdom and Your creativity and Your infinite glory.

Thank you, Lord for the many leaders. And thank you Lord that You were born and died that we may be forgiven. And that we may have eternal life. Not through merit or anything that we have individually achieved, for surely all of us are fallen, but in Your Holy Name we are forgiven, by Your act of redemption, by Your sacrifice.

In Your Name we pray, Amen.


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Pray America Great Again Habakkuk 3-2