Labor Day: Pray For The American Citizen Who Works Hard And Never Gets Ahead

Today we pray for the American citizen who works hard and never gets ahead.

Heavenly Father,

You see exactly what this person is going through, and exactly why they are going through it. This salt-of-the-earth American-born citizen rarely complains about their circumstances or suspects they have been scammed by their own government. Yet Lord, this never-getting-ahead-situation, from beginning to end, is fully known to You. All things are visible to You, so also the greedy politicians, their donors, globalist elites, and oligarchs who have rigged the system so they own everything. How great Your displeasure must be with the irresponsibility of elected officials! How great Your displeasure must be as they follow after satan’s designs effecting hardship on citizens while enriching themselves. And all of it has led to the destruction of the American dream and the American middle-class.

On this Labor Day, we ask You to bless each American worker, their family, and their work. In good faith, they carried out their end of the bargain known as the American experiment. They have served in the military, fought in wars, worked a job, paid taxes, and voted to send their representatives to Washington D.C., the consent of the governed in action. And instead of being represented, they have been betrayed.

Lord God, this citizen feels the DC scam. Open their eyes to see the DC scam. Let them know that You see the scam, and it is evil in Your sight. Grant all people discernment in this matter. Shine a light on all the RINOs, Democrats, politician-adjacent, bureaucrats, fake news MSM who only do their own personal bidding, along with the bidding of their donors and the CCP. Fully expose them to the public, even as we are confident, they are fully exposed to You. God, one day they will stand before You, and as hard as it is, we ask You to have mercy on their souls for the lives of fellow citizens they have ruined, the property they have stolen, the rights they have trampled, and the general apathy toward people who are not in their bubble.

God, Your Presence engulfed the miraculous founding of this nation, a nation founded by Christians and patriots who wanted to worship freely, to earn a honest living, and to take care of their families. And You are still with us today, for Your Truth is marching on—always. Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Father, keep our hearts free from the prison of bitterness at what these horrendous people have done to our nation. Let our energy be turned to action as we work with You to out these corrupt liars, and oust them from public office. Lord, we earnestly need Your help. Please, we ask in the Name of Jesus, do not let our nation fall into the hands of a Communist again.

For every American citizen who works hard and never gets ahead. we ask Jesus to speak the high priestly blessing over each and every one as we undertake this tumultuous journey to November 5.

The LORD bless you and keep you;

the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26


In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


Not To Ruin Your Labor Day, But Look At How “Well” The U.S. Government Has Not Been Doing

PAGA only speaks the truth in love. The U.S. economy is in bad shape. The current illegitimate regime has made it exponentially worse by:

1) out-of-control government spending (and that on ridiculous things like the green new deal, LGBTQ centers in Muslim-majority countries, etc.);

2) Biden-Harris Day 1 executive order to shut down the Keystone pipeline, compounded by multiple other pipeline shutdowns and refusals to grant drilling permits;

3) To date, the Biden-Harris regime has allowed 15-18 million illegal aliens to invade our country, giving them a monthly allowance, food stamps, paying for their transportation, health-care, and a place to live.

Multiple other things have added to this horrific inflation, but these are the top three.

U.S. Government Monetary Scam

To get an idea of the rot that is/has been happening, look at the charts below.  At the very bottom of this post is a interview with economist and former Congressman, Dr. Dave Bratt. He explains and summarizes the charts (why no one can seem to get ahead).

Pray America Great Again US Productivity vs Real Hourly Wage 1948-2018

U.S. productivity and real wage growth have consistently fallen for the last 70 years. Why? Basically because the elites and corporate oligarchs (aka political donors) have sent our jobs to China. The Chinese Communist Party uses slave labor which equates to greater profits for the corporations and the elites who run them. (Elected politicians, RINOs and Democrats, allow it because the corporate elites helped them get elected via campaign donations, as The Silence of The Lambs made famous, quid pro quo.)

Pray America Great Again US 2024 Two Full Time Jobs High

Under the Biden-Harris regime, inflation is so bad, that the number of Americans working two full-time jobs is at an all time high. Neither Biden, nor Harris, have barely worked at all.

Pray America Great Again US Wealth Gap Stocks

And the scam of the last 70 years (with some relief during the Reagan and Trump eras), exacerbated by the Biden-Harris regime’s excessive money printing, energy costs, and illegal alien invasion, the U.S. oligarchy and corporate elites have been ingratiating themselves by swooping up everything they possibly could, i.e. they are getting richer, while everyone else is getting poorer.  Can you say Communism?  As of Labor Day 2024, the Democrats are running an unlikable, full-blown Communist, who has never received a single vote for President, in the 2024 Presidential Election. God help us if they cheat enough to install such an incompetent ideologue in the oval. God help us!

In this video, economist and former Congressman, Dr. Dave Bratt, explains the charts above, plus a few others, to show why the economy is in such shambles.