Streams In The Desert: Our Prayers Are God’s Opportunities

A excerpt from the public domain version of Streams In The Desert Devotional, entry dated 11/02 (reformatted).

Are you in sorrow?
Prayer can make your affliction sweet and strengthening.

Are you in gladness?
Prayer can add to your joy a celestial perfume.

Are you in extreme danger from outward or inward enemies?
Prayer can set at your right hand an angel whose touch could shatter a millstone into smaller dust than the flour it grinds, and whose glance could lay an army low.

What will prayer do for you?
I answer: All that God can do for you.
“Ask what I shall give thee.”


P.S. Gotta Love This Part About The Angel…

Are you in extreme danger from outward or inward enemies?
Prayer can set at your right hand an angel whose touch could shatter a millstone into smaller dust than the flour it grinds, and whose glance could lay an army low.

Whether it’s “Democrat Socialist” Bernie Sanders, “America-hating” leftist professors and media, Hollywood “actors,” so-called community organizers, or Democrats in general, (and let’s be honest, they are all socialists) remember this amazing promise of angelic presence.

Being in extreme danger of losing our entire way of life, religious freedom, economic freedom, everything the world envies about America—PAGA prayer warriors can entertain angels.  And look what they can do!


God bless you for praying America great again!