Pastor Andrew Brunson Prayer Over President Trump At Values Voter Summit October 12, 2019

Pastor Andrew Brunson prayed over President Trump before the President spoke at the 2019 Values Voter Summit on October 12, 2019 in Washington D.C. Though the president’s speech has the usual uplifting tone, his remarks are a stark reminder of how harshly the left is, and has been, attacking religious freedom. The 2019 remarks are even more significant, and real, in the months of COVID-19.

Pastor Brunson was held as a political prisoner in Turkey for 735 days. He and his family had been in Turkey for over two decades serving as Christian missionaries. In 2018, after much pressure from President Trump, the Turkish government released Pastor Brunson from prison. Truly an answer to prayers from throughout the world.

Values Voter Summit

The Values Voter Summit is an annual event held by the Family Research Council. It’s purpose is to help inform and mobilize citizens across America to preserve the bedrock values of traditional marriage, religious liberty, sanctity of life and limited government.

The 2020 Values Voter Summit will be held on September 22-25, 2020. The 2020 VVS will be virtual and anyone can register for a free digital pass.

Praying For President Trump

After Pastor Brunson prayed, the President commented, “I want to thank you for that beautiful prayer.  It means a lot.”

Certainly President Trump does appreciate all of our prayers and definitely needs them. Let’s remember to pray for him often. This is a beautiful prayer to use if you need one.


Father God,

I ask now for an impartation of Your Holy Spirit. May the fullness of the Spirit of Jesus rest upon President Trump, that he would be anointed with wisdom and understanding, with Your counsel and might, with knowledge and fear of the Lord.

And accordingly, may President Trump not judge by what he sees with his eyes or decide by what he hears with his ears or lean on his own understanding, but may he recognize Your prompting and move according to Your guidance. I ask that You give the president supernatural discernment to know who is trustworthy and who is not. Bring into the light all deception and intrigue, expose and reverse the plans of those who would harm President Trump and this nation. In the name of Jesus, I break off all voices and influence that do not come from You, Father God. May Your truth and peace surround and reign in the White House.

God, You have raised up President Trump to govern at a time when there is a resurgence of oppression. Only You, Lord Jesus Christ, can anoint him to have victories over strongholds and to establish justice for the needy. Give him strength and courage to persevere in the constant battle that surrounds him and refresh him.

Father God, I see that You have such a tender heart for President Trump. Draw him close to You. I ask now for an impartation of hunger for You, so that he may love You with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength, and delight in knowing You. And if he came in whispering Your name, may he go forward shouting Your name.

In Jesus name, in the name of my King, I bless you. Amen.

Pastor Andrew Brunson October 12, 2019

Pray America Great Again 1 Timothy 2 1-2