Pastor John Amanchukwu Prays For North Carolina And The People Who Are Suffering There

On October 2, 2024, Pastor John Amanchukwu (Amanchukwu means “I know God”) appeared on War Room Episode 3947 with guest host Ben Harnwell.

The pastor discussed being arrested at a Wake County North Carolina school board meeting. Pastor Amanchukwu travels the country battling the grooming and sexualization of young children and teenagers via sexually inappropriate and pornographic books in school libraries.

This fervent man of God attended the Wake County NC meeting to defend a 15 year-old female immigrant who had been forced, against her will, to read aloud and discuss a pornographic book at school. America’s children are now in the crosshairs of American progressives, i.e. Democrats, liberals, leftists, atheists, etc. This evil directed at children has its historical roots in the likes of Mao’s Red Guards or the Nazi Hitler Youth. Both Mao and Hitler were training for violence, while the Democrat Party focus is on sexual grooming. The common idea among all totalitarian states is getting these children while they are young with hopes of turning them against their parents, against God, and dependent on government.

Our kids should not be demonized or indoctrinated by the woke Marxist atheists in this country.  -Pastor Amanchukwu

The pastor also discussed the detrimental effect the Democrat Party has had on the Christian Church, especially under the so-called leadership of Biden/Harris and obama.

“You cannot claim the Name of Christ and vote for the Democrat Party.”

Pastor Amanchukwu brought it home regarding the satanic nature of the Democrat Party and the weakness of American pastors to stand up against it.  This quote is so good, and equally sad, that everyone should memorize it, and recite it at will to Democrat atheists.

The Democrat party has propped up man, it’s the self-promotion of man…

It’s the demonization and demotion of God!

We have the deification of man and the demotion of God.

And now, more than ever, Christian pastors are failing to address these issues because many of them don’t have a biblical worldview. They claim to be Christians, but they don’t preach Bible driven sermons. They come behind the podium and they tell you what they think versus what “thus sayeth the Lord.”

The woke perversion in our country that has infiltrated our school systems and many of our Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies in the name of the false triune idol of diversity, equity, and inclusion, must be removed from our government systems. We cannot have a peaceful and a free country if we allow these woke Marxist atheists to thrive. And sadly, they’re even thriving in the Christian Church.

Toward the end of the interview, host Ben Harnwell asked the pastor to pray for the state of North Carolina and the people who are suffering there.


Dear Heavenly Father God

We thank you that You do all things well, that you cover and keep us and that You are concerned about us.

Even in calamity, even in destruction You are still God.

Even when we have the worst days of our life, like Job who lost everything that he had, cattle and children, You still were on the throne.

So, God, we submit these things into Your hand. And I pray that Americans all around this country would rally together and be unified to support those in western North Carolina and those impacted by the hurricane.

God, we love You and we honor You. You’re still God. We worship You even when we don’t understand when destruction comes. But we know that You are concerned about us. So, we give You the glory even in this.

In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.


Pastor Amanchukwu Resources

Watch clips of Pastor John’s interview on WarRoom: – Watch Pastor Amanchukwu’s documentary 22 Words: Exposing the loss of decency in American Education. This film details his stand against pornographic material in school libraries at the hands of Democrat progressive school boards and forced on students by Teachers’ Union teachers.

Other Resources: Protect Your Children, Know About Grooming

Know the warning signs of grooming and sexual exploitation of children. Don’t think your school district is immune. The Democrat demons are in every state, every school district.  Here are only a few articles.  Please avoid relying on far-left websites like Wikipedia, Psychology Today, American Bar Association, anything with “American” in the title, or from the U.S. government, CDC, Teachers’ Union, state governments, city governments, county governments.  These people are being paid to push this pornography.

Types of Child Abuse

Grooming and Red Flag Behavior

Six Perpetrator Grooming Behaviors

Author Dr. Miriam Grossman is a child psychiatrist and has written extensively on children. Her latest book is Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide out of Madness. Much of the grooming happening today involving confusing children regarding their gender.  See all of Dr. Grossman’s books here.

Pray America Great Again Hebrews 12 29