Conflict And Victory: Is There Not Something Else We Can Abolish?

On March 4, 1883, Charles Spurgeon, in his famous sermon “The Best War-Cry” said to his British congregation:

Not so very long ago our nation tolerated slavery in our colonies. Philanthropists endeavored to destroy slavery; but when was it utterly abolished? It was when Wilberforce roused the church of God, and when the church of God addressed herself to the conflict, then she tore the evil thing to pieces. I have been amused with what Wilberforce said the day after they passed the Act of Emancipation. He merrily said to a friend when it was all done, “Is there not something else we can abolish?” That was said playfully, but it shows the spirit of the church of God. She lives in conflict and victory; her mission is to destroy everything that is bad in the land.

The Spirit Of The Church Of God

Triumph and victory, after approximately 40 years of fighting to abolish slavery in England, caused William Wilberforce to make his exuberant proclamation. He was ready to go again. He was ready to conquer more territory for God. A true “Onward Christian Soldiers” moment.

Spurgeon comments profoundly: “It shows the spirit of the church of God. She lives in conflict and victory; her mission is to destroy everything that is bad in the land.”

Paul also wrote about the paradox of conflict and victory:

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things? For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God’s word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:14-17

“Bad” is destroyed by God, who in Christ always leads his followers in triumphal procession—though it may appear as a death march to some. Either way, it spreads the knowledge of Jesus Christ everywhere.

The church of God must maintain her mission. This requires staying awake, being alert, and keeping watch. And when the church of God addresses herself to whatever conflicts may be, then she will be ready to tear the evil thing to pieces.

The Church Of God In America

In her great history, the church of God in America has addressed herself to many conflicts and subsequently torn many evil things to pieces. The strong roots of Christianity within America from the founding to present day have led the nation to be victorious over the beasts of many enemies—tyranny of England, War of 1812, slavery, Communism, Nazism, and many more.

But still we always find ourselves living in conflict and victory. As with any cultivated field where amber waves of grain have been carefully planted, an enemy sneaks in and sows weeds among the wheat (Matthew 13:24-28). Thick choking weeds. But because of God’s grace and mercy, the weeds are not yet doused with Roundup, pulled, and thrown out.

The freedoms our forefathers had the divine wisdom to constitute for many generations after they lived, allow the weeds the same rights as the wheat. Thick, choking weeds are allowed to remain in the carefully planted and well-watered garden, otherwise the wheat would be rooted up along with them (Matthew 13:29).

The Bad In The Land Today – Anti-Americanism

Today, a more demonic, and perplexing, “evil thing” has arisen from within America. This beast has all the attributes of the ones that have preceded it, with the addition of a insatiable hunger for power, previously hidden from public view and with far less useful idiots. The hunger has manifested itself in intolerance for differing opinions and ideas—completely contrary to the freedoms constituted by our forefathers(!), the freedoms the beast indulged in order to grow powerful in the first place.

This beast has several heads, and all can be classified under the category of “anti-American.” Though living in the greatest nation in history, possessing freedoms that other nations can only imagine, these people seek to destroy our constitutional republic.

A majority of these beasts come from afar. No one knows the true legal citizenship status of any of them. And some beasts were born on our shores, products of American hatred. They take advantage of America’s greatness—capitalism, free speech, free press, religious freedom, etc.—while trying to destroy them at the same time(?):

  • George Soros from Hungary—hedge fund billionnaire who supports the most far-left organizations in America including the Democrats
  • Jorge Ramos from Mexico—owner of propaganda machine UniVision and an urgent advocate of open borders with Mexico
  • The son of a Kenyan who wanted to fundamentally transform America—see U.S. 2009-2016
  • Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn both Communists and members of a radical domestic terror group who mentored said son of Kenyan
  • CAIR Council on American-Islamic Relations, filled with Muslim Brotherhood members with ties to radical Islamist terrorists
  • State representative from Somali who is openly anti-American and anti-Semitic
  • State representative with Palestinian parents, a vile person who is openly anti-American and anti-Semitic
  • Democrat Party who supports socialism, open borders, globalism, Big government, not a constitutional republic such as the U.S.

These are only a few of the better known anti-American people running loose in our country. The mainstream media, plus numerous left wing groups, from paid protesters to community organizers, from deranged individuals to deranged legal groups attack America and her people daily.

Conflict And Victory: Can We Abolish Anti-Americanism?

Definition of abolish:

To do away with; put an end to; destroy; efface or obliterate; annihilate: as, to abolish customs or institutions; to abolish slavery; to abolish idols (Isaiah 2:18); to abolish death (2 Timothy 1:10).

Is there something else we can put an end to? Obliterate? Annihilate? Can we abolish Anti-Americanism?

It seems a daunting task. But, as long as we have God on our side, “all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

The obliteration process began in 2010 and made major strides in 2016. It may take many more years. Patriots cannot become complacent.

These Anti-Americans—Democrats, politicians, terrorists, globalists, all of them—must have their power (government officials, money, voice) annihilated. They must be pummeled at the ballot box. They must be told they are as irrelevant in the lives of We The People, as we are to them.

We can never become complacent. Or cynical. Christians in America, and anybody in America who loves this country, must stay awake, be alert, and keep watch. Remember, the Matthew 13 enemy crept in and planted weeds while everyone was sleeping.


Father God, we are so thankful for You, for Your church, for the Gospel, and for Jesus Christ who always leads us in triumphal procession. Though we live in conflict and victory, You are our pillar of cloud leading by day and a pillar of fire leading by night.

Help us to remember that as we spread the fragrance of the knowledge of Jesus, whether we are treated civilly or with contempt, it has nothing to do with us, but depends on the other person’s relationship with You.

We thank You for answering the prayers of America’s founders as they prayed fervently for godly wisdom and guidance while drafting the governing documents of this republic. Help the church of God in 21st century America to stay awake, be alert, and keep watch over this great country.

Father, You understand, You see, You hear, and You know (Exodus 2:23-25) that the enemy has sown weeds throughout all of our great institutions, most of them started by Christians. Thick weeds are choking plants in our great cities, universities, all levels of government, even in the church. Father God, there is none to help besides Thee! Help us we pray.

Lord Jesus, send out the Spirit of Truth in full force. Help us to battle the sinister spirit of anti-Americanism. How do we even start? Who hates freedom except those whose minds have been seared with a hot iron to hate freedom? Show us the battle plan. Keep us as polished arrows in Your quiver, close by Your side (Isaiah 49:2). Enable us to hear the call. Send us out with purpose.

Give us courage and bravery to destroy everything that is bad in the land. If You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? Who can bring a charge against us? You are the one Who justifies (Romans 8:33).

Until the great Day of the Lord, your people continue to live in the paradox of conflict and victory. Thank You for being with us along the way, guiding every step, determining every move, fighting for us against the armies of earth and hell arrayed against Your children. Help us to keep our eyes toward You! May our lives be one huge Onward Christian Soldiers moment.

As our faith usurps one bad thing after another, let us always look to You with praise, adoration, and gratitude and in worship and victorious triumph ask “Lord Jesus, is there not something else we can abolish?” For certainly You are faithful and will always be with us here until we are with You there.

Who is sufficient for these things? Were it not written in Your Word we could hardly believe it! Such is the confidence that we, Your people, have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God (2 Corinthians 3:4-5).

We thank You Lord God for speaking the light of Christ into our hearts (2 Corinthians 4:6), for commissioning us to carry out overwhelming and impossible tasks. Help each of us to be a lamp on a stand, an effective witness of Jesus Christ, and an ambassador for Christ. Again Father, thank You for always leading us in triumphant procession.


In the Name of Christ, Amen.