Small Business Economic Growth, Success, And Outlook: Another Reason To Praise God
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
Small businesses are extraordinarily optimistic about the future and the best is yet to come! And that is certainly a reason to praise God.
America’s economic boon has brought unprecedented success to small businesses. The roaring economy can be directly tied to the economic policies of the Trump administration. President Trump, a businessman himself, has ushered in numerous policies that directly affect the bottom line of small businesses across the fruited plains.
The good gift of the Trump administration’s business and economic wisdom is from God. And we take this time to praise God for small business economic growth, success, and outlook for the future.
Holy Lord, Father of Lights, blessed be your glorious Name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise (Nehemiah 9:5). Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD! Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised! The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens! (Psalm 113:1-4).
Thank You for Your faithfulness, for certainly LORD, You do not change (Malachi 3:6). You are our Father Who created all the lights in heaven and Who bestows on us many other good and perfect gifts. Thank You Father that You never change or cast a shifting shadow and that we can count on You at all times.
We thank You for the Trump Administration and their concern and care for American small business owners and their employees. We praise You Father God for the wisdom You have graciously given every man and woman who works in the administration. We pray that You will bless them, watch over them, and keep them true to Your purposes.
But most of all, Praise You Lord God! We give thanks to You, for You are good, and Your steadfast love endures forever (Psalm 136:1).
In The Name Of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Small Business Economic News
Did you know that small business is the larger employer in America? Support American small business. Keep America Great!
National Federation of Independent Business
The National Federation of Independent Business said its index of small-business optimism rebounded after a small decline at the end of last year, rising to 104.3 points in January from 102.7 in December.
2020 is off to an explosive start for the small business economy, with owners expecting increased sales, earnings, and higher wages for employees,” said NFIB Chief Economist William Dunkelberg. “Small businesses continue to build on the solid foundation of supportive federal tax policies and a deregulatory environment that allows owners to put an increased focus on operating and growing their businesses.
U.S. Small Business Administration
SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza’s Statement on January 2020 Jobs Report
Release Date: Friday, February 7, 2020
U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator Jovita Carranza today issued the following statement in response to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Situation Summary for January. According to the just-released report, 225,000 new jobs were created in January, and the unemployment rate rose slightly to 3.6 percent due to the labor force participation rate increased to 63.4%. The report comes on the heels of two reports released this week indicating new U.S. jobless claims fell by 15,000 to 202,000 – a 50-year low – while private payrolls soared by 291,000 in January, the largest gain in nearly five years. Administrator Carranza said:
Today’s jobs report is welcome news for America’s 30 million small businesses. Small businesses are investing, expanding, and creating new jobs, and more underrepresented Americans are experiencing upward economic mobility as a result. Income inequality is shrinking and wages are rising fastest among workers who have historically been left behind, including low-income women, African Americans and Latinos. Small businesses remain extraordinarily optimistic about the future, in large part because of this Administration’s success in lowering the cost of taxes and regulations, opening up new export markets, and advancing innovative solutions on healthcare and workforce development. Today’s news is affirmation that the President’s policies are benefitting small businesses and helping more Americans climb the economic ladder.
About the U.S. Small Business Administration
The U.S. Small Business Administration makes the American dream of business ownership a reality. As the only go-to resource and voice for small businesses backed by the strength of the federal government, the SBA empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners with the resources and support they need to start, grow or expand their businesses, or recover from a declared disaster. It delivers services through an extensive network of SBA field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations. To learn more, visit
[The website is packed with resources.]
2019 News
[Great news for small business has been trending positively since shortly after the Trump Administration’s economic policies got into gear.]
In February 2019, Job Creators Network President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz said ahead of President Donald Trump’s Tuesday state of the Union address:
The overwhelming majority of Americans are far better off today than they were two years ago because of President Trump’s policies that have unshackled small business job creators. Wages are growing at their fastest pace in a decade; the unemployment rate is hovering at a half-century low; economic growth is about to come in above three percent for the first time since 2005; and entrepreneurship and investment are booming.
More money and more opportunities for Americans are the direct result of good public policy, including tax cuts, deregulation, and increased access to capital, which President Trump has championed and delivered.
More Prayer Needed To Sustain Small Business Success
For all practical purposes Gallup is a left wing organization. Though some polling entities are trustworthy, Gallup is borderline. In other words, don’t go to the guillotine over anything they say. Nonetheless, it is good information for knowing how some people think.
And Gallup has released a poll on small business. Among other things it shows that small business owners are highly engaged in the 2020 election.
The Gallup poll reveals that:
- 69 percent of respondents say they benefited from the 2017 tax cuts that Trump championed and signed into law.
- more than seven in ten small business owners say they reinvested over one-quarter of the savings they got from the tax law into their business.
- 60 percent of respondents say they have a favorable view of the job Trump is doing as president.
- 2 percent think their business would be better off if President Trump is reelected.
- Forty-one percent said they would be better off if a Democrat is elected. [Who are these people?]
These 41% (who definitely need prayer) favored Joe Biden among the primary challengers. However, in the national election President Trump was favored over every other candidate with the exception of Mike Bloomberg(?) who barely eked out a few percentage points over the President.
Once again, this is a Gallup poll and polls can’t be trusted. (We’re certain they can be bought!) Nonetheless, the numbers are representative of some people that have been sold on mainstream media’s “hate Trump” campaign. They had rather vote for someone who will cause the economy to come to a screeching halt—including their own small business(!)—than someone with a proven track record on economic policy success.
My mother used to talk about people “Cutting off their nose to spite their face” or “you shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds you.” Never have these phrases expressed more truth than in reference to small business owners voting for a Democrat, regardless of who it is. Every Democrat will raise taxes, reverse trade deals, and reinstate ridiculous hussein o regulations.
Father God, we pray that You wake up every small business owner who says they will vote for a Democrat in the 2020 election. Do they want their business to fail? Do they want every other small business owner’s business to fail? Do they want their employees to lose their jobs?
Lord, surely they are misinformed due to the disservice to the America people by the mainstream media and the hate spread by Democrat politicians and paid activist groups.
Of course, Gallup is just a guess, but they do represent some people who think like this. Lord, give them eyes to see and ears to hear. Let them be informed of the truth some how, some way. Wake them up to the vile hatred being disseminated by leftists in America. Open their hearts to reject it outright.
And God, small business owners following the mainstream media is a red flag that they do not know You. I pray that You will put them in the mist of Christian friends, neighbors, a radio station, or other means of Christian outreach. I pray that any Christian encounter will be a strong witness to them of the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
Lord God we know that America can be made great by humans only so far. That is why we are pleading with You in these impossible situations where people are absolutely blinded to the truth. Please bless our efforts to Pray America Great Again. Only You know hearts and minds. Only You can transform hearts and minds.
In The Name Of Jesus Christ, Amen.
A Question To Really Think About
Small business owners represent some of the most intelligent, tenacious, and patriotic people in America. They believe in the American dream. A dream available to no other nation on earth.
But when it comes to small business owners, there are sensible ones who know that a successful business is a combination of many factors. And there are the ones who don’t think for themselves (apparently) and think hard work alone will bring them success.
Which Type Of Small Business Owner Would You Rather Be?
Are you a small business owner who plans on voting for a Democrat? Seriously?
Then this image represents you. Sure you want to dream big. But you are also willing to make things 100 times harder for yourself, your employees, and your customers. God forbid a Democrat is elected to the Presidency, but if it happens you have yourself to thank for higher taxes, more regulations, health insurance nightmares, and no customers (because no one will be able to afford whatever you’re selling).
But if you plan on voting for a Republican? Congratulations! You are smart enough to know that small business big dreams require help from many places and many people. A Republican President, whether Donald Trump in 2020, or another in 2024, will keep taxes low, maintain deregulation, bring health insurance costs down, and mainly, allow you the economy required to stay in business.
The image below is you. Being smart enough to know you need all the help you can get.
Whether you’re a new small business owner or a third generation small business owner, your big dreams should be an exciting and beautiful adventure. Not a food-lined-third-world-country-hellhole. Use your common sense.